8H30 – 12H30 / 14h – 17H30 | from Monday to Friday
03 21 13 13 00
Power generation facilities are so important that even the smallest failures can have significant consequences. In the nuclear field, precision is paramount because every component and system must work optimally to ensure safety and security. On-site machining is therefore essential for fast and accurate work on critical equipment.
TACQUET INDUSTRIES offers machining services on site adapted to the specific requirements of the nuclear industry. Our qualified technicians travel directly to the facilities to perform complex operations such as the repair of control systems, pumps or valves. Thanks to our know-how, we are able to minimize downtime and ensure the smooth operation of the installations.
Safety and security is a priority in the nuclear sector, so all our operations meet strict standards. We have recognized certifications, such as EDF qualification, MASE certification and CERFI certification, which attest to our commitment to quality and safety. These accreditations guarantee to our customers that each machining operation is carried out in compliance with the strictest rules.