8H30 – 12H30 / 14h – 17H30 | from Monday to Friday
03 21 13 13 00
TACQUET INDUSTRIES sends its best wishes for a happy new year !
Rehabilitation of groups (Francis types)
In 2021 and 2022, we intervened on the two groups (Francis types) of the Centrale
Hydroelectric power station in Hermillon, France. These operations were carried out in
the framework of the group rehabilitation by our client VOITH HYDRO.
Machining of the different elements of the tarpaulin (between 1 and 1.5mm)
Our intervention took place in several stages:
The pre-work checks allowed us to determine the defects on site as well as the actual center of rotation of the turbine.
Installation of our machine in the turbine, adjustment with the assistance of our Surveyor and machining engineer.
Repeated operation for both machine positions.