8H30 – 12H30 / 14h – 17H30 | from Monday to Friday
03 21 13 13 00
Installing and modifying stainless steel shielding
During a turbine maintenance, when the Francis wheel was dismantled by ALSTOM HYDRO, the customer noticed an extremely large cavitation with in some places a total piercing of the shield.
To ensure the optimum restart of the installation within the planned time frame, ALSTOM HYDRO contacted TACQUET INDUSTRIES in order to carry out a feasibility study and complete the work within the given time frame.
Service provided in emergency
Expertise and feasibility study
Definition of means
Assembly of a specific machine
Machining of the cavity area
Diameter ΓΈ 4m075, Height: 200
Machining thickness 8 mm
Tolerance 0.15 mm
In collaboration with ALSTOM HYDRO, TACQUET INDUSTRIES installed and remanufactured a stainless steel shield with an accuracy of 0.1.